Supporting Active, Fulfilling,
and Comfortable Community Living
by Ensuring Secure Use of Personal Medical,
Health, and Daily Activity Data
Supporting Active, Fulfilling,
and Comfortable Community Living
by Ensuring Secure Use of Personal Medical,
Health, and Daily Activity Data
Initiative for Life Design Innovation (iLDi) Research at Osaka University was the only research base in Japan selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for the “Society 5.0 Realization Research Support Project” in FY2018. Our project strives to support an exciting future society through Personal Life Records (PLR) by improving quality of life (QOL) based on physical health, mental health, social health (communication), and environmental health.
In FY2023, we began the second phase of this project. To enhance society, this phase includes establishing fundamental technologies, operational frameworks, and rules for safe and secure utilization of personal data.
iLDi partners with companies and local governments to foster social implementation of academic research results and responsible utilization of personal data.
Our system (MYPLR®) supports safe and responsible reuse of personal data collected for research at universities and other institutions to address social issues and to develop services and products that enrich people’s lives.
MYPLR® is operated by the General Incorporated Association Datability Science Consortium.